Social media advertising driving visitors to Motorcycle Live
The UK’s largest motorcycle show premiers the latest bikes, clothing and apparel to a fanatical audience – but if they’re not careful it can be the same audience year after year.
In the biking world, Motorcycle Live is one of the highlight events of the year. It’s the place to go and see all of the newly launched bikes, buy the latest gear and catch up with friends in the biking world. As an established brand at the heart of their market, it’s hard to think that MCL would require fresh thinking. Their audience though, was becoming grey, aging and a bit dated. For the 2023 show and those after, MCL asked Jaywood to drive ticket sales through social media advertising, reach new audiences and generate ticket sales.
“Jaywood have grown from being a supplier delivering social ads to being a partner, helping move Motorcycle Live into a new age. They’re finding us new, younger visitors and helping bring motorcycling to a new generation.” Gina Evans – Head of Marketing
When your event is already the go-to show of the year, it can be hard to believe that you need anything to change – or even a campaign at all. It’s one of the few things that sells itself. Many a brand has allowed this kind of complacency to cost them audience, customers and sales. Motorcycle Live weren’t about to fall into that trap. They understand the power of advertising and weren’t about to slow down.
MCL came to us having worked with one of the UK’s biggest digital agencies, needing a fresh approach and more engagement with their team and campaign. Working across a range of digital social channels, we needed to improve all of the key campaign metrics and, vitally, sell as many Motorcycle Live tickets as possible.
The Solution
Mature campaigns rely on the insight and knowledge that comes with their history and previous performance – but they also come with assumptions and behaviours that happen because it’s the way things have always been done. Being smart requires us knowing what to keep and what to evolve so that the campaign is the best it can possibly be.
We started by reviewing the historic performance metrics and modelled their success in relation to tickets sales and where visitors were coming from. From there, we reviewed all of the campaign audiences and did some housekeeping to ensure that all of the social accounts were properly set up and ready for the campaign.
Motorcycle Live use an independent ticketing partner and analytic integration with that platform was essential if we were to establish complete campaign management and visibility. And that needed to happen before the campaign could start.
We leant into the work of the agencies who came before us, taking the good they’d done and improving where changes could be made. We reviewed, updated and refreshed the audiences for Meta, giving them depth and a greater likelihood to convert into show-goers. We re-built the Twitter/X (call it what you like) audiences to make them highly relevant and tightly targeted.
We then launched a full creative refresh. New ads and messaging combined with the new audiences to present Motorcycle Live in fresh and exciting ways to people who possibly hadn’t visited for a couple of years.
over 90,000 tickets sold.
Jim Woodhead Managing Director
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